import os import re import sys from pathlib import Path
all_file_num = 0 no_pass = [] defwalk_posts_dir(folder): """ 遍历指定目录 :param folder: :return: """ global all_file_num, no_pass for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder): for file in files: # 过滤 Markdown 文件 ifnot file.endswith(".md"): continue file_name = Path(file).stem # 打开具体文件提取Frontmatter file_path = os.path.join(root, file) withopen(file_path,"r",encoding="utf-8") as f: content = front_matter, _ = parse_yaml_front_matter(content) file_name_front_matter = front_matter['title'] # 判断文件名与Front-matter中的title字段是否相等 if file_name == file_name_front_matter: print(f"[File Name Check] PASS: {file}") else: no_pass.append(file_path) print(f"[File Name Check] NO PASS: {file}") all_file_num = all_file_num + 1 # 直到检查完输出结果 else: print(f"[File Name Check] Done. {all_file_num} files Total.") iflen(no_pass)>0: for e in no_pass: print(f"[File Name Check] Conflict - {e}") # 返回错误码以终止后续进程 print(f"[File Name Check] Exit 1.") exit(1)
defparse_yaml_front_matter(content): """ Parses YAML front matter from a Markdown file (More general). Now it can recognize Block Mode and Flow Mode of the YAML specification (See Also, it can process Line Folding (See """ match = re.match(r"^---\n(.*?)\n---(.*)", content, re.DOTALL) data = {} ifmatch: # Divide a markdown file to two parts: the front-matter and the remaining content. front_matter = content = block_mode_attribute = None line_fold_attribute = None # Parse yaml by lines. for line in front_matter.split("\n"): # If the line is the first line of an attribute. if re.match(r"^([a-zA-Z-_]+):(.*)$", line): match_obj = re.match(r"^([a-zA-Z-_]+):(.*)$", line, re.DOTALL) key = value = value = value.strip(" \'\"") value = convert2num_if_possible(value) # A line like 'attribute: ', which means that it uses Block Mode. ifnot value: # A mark to indicate that we should treat the next line as one of the parameter of the attribute. block_mode_attribute = key data[key] = [] continue # A line like 'attribute: >-', which means that it uses Line Folding. elif value == '>-': # A mark to indicate that we should treat the next line as one of the parameter of the attribute. line_fold_attribute = key data[key] = '' continue # Otherwise, treat the line as a common key-value pair. # Parse a line that is in Block Mode. elif block_mode_attribute and re.match(r"^\s*-\s(.*)$", line): match_obj = re.match(r"^\s*-\s(.*)$", line) data[block_mode_attribute].append( continue # Parse a line that is in Line Folding. elif line_fold_attribute: data[line_fold_attribute] = data[line_fold_attribute] + line.strip(" \'\"") continue else: print(f"[WARNING] Unknown YAML line: {line}") continue
# Parse a line that is in Flow Mode. ifisinstance(value, str) and re.match(r"\[(.*)\]", value, re.DOTALL): match_obj = re.match(r"\[(.*)\]", value, re.DOTALL) value = # Remove the brackets from the string value = value.strip("[]") # Split the string on commas and store the resulting list of tags value = value.split(",") # Strip any leading or trailing whitespace from each tag value = [convert2num_if_possible(v.strip()) for v in value] data[key] = value return data, content
defconvert2num_if_possible(value): """ Parse values as integers or floats if possible, otherwise keep as string""" try: value = int(value) except ValueError: try: # Check the number to avoid the peculiar bugs occur, such as '13e4' converts to 130000.0 ifstr(float(value)) != value: raise ValueError else: value = float(value) except ValueError: pass return value
defconvert_dict2_yaml_front_matter(d: dict) -> str: """Convert a dictionary of Python to the front matter (YAML)""" front_matter = "---\n" for k, v in d.items(): front_matter = front_matter + f"{k}: {str(v)}\n" return front_matter + "---\n"
if __name__ == "__main__": walk_posts_dir(sys.argv[1])